My employer:

What I do

I do and work on whatever is needed. My primary skills are: .Net (desktop, web and service solutions), JavaScript (clientside, NodeJS, it is my passion), Cordova applications and toying in the Azure ecosystem. Experience with iOS and Android has come along the way.

Where I am

Presently, providing value to NEMO Capital Partners. Working in WinForms, MVC, Windows Services and a myriad of Azure objects; striving to bring excellence to some of their products.

What have I done

I have spent a plethora of recent time working in Cordova/Ionic iOS/Android application with AngularJs built views. Prior to that I built custom solutions in WinForms, MVC and WebAPI.

Contacting me

Currently I am not actively seeking employment, but I am always willing to listen about a position that appropriately fits my desires.